Supply List
Exploring Color, Ages 12-Adult
Printable List: Supplies for 12-Adult Exploring Color.pdf
Quick note: prices often go up and down on Amazon, and products sometimes become unavailable, so I'd recommend Dick Blick unless you're wanting to utilize quick delivery with a prime membership.
Blick U Course List: I've set up a Course Supply List on Dick Blick for items you might need to purchase (I left off more common household items). You can easily add everything to your cart, and they offer free shipping over $45.
9x12” Sketchbook: Good Drawing Paper with Perforations Amazon
Several #2 Pencils, HB, 2H, 6B Amazon
Eraser (Kneaded eraser preferred) Amazon
Ruler (12”-18” metal with cork backing preferred)Amazon
Masking Tape Amazon
Black Fine Line and Extra Fine Line Sharpie Pens Amazon
Scissors (sharp point for detailed cutting) Amazon
Pocket Folder
11” x14” or 15” Watercolor Paper, three sheets per student (cold press 140 lb. preferred) Amazon
Artist’s masking tape ½” (regular masking tape can be used) Amazon
14” x 17” Bristol board or heavyweight drawing paper, 2 sheets per student (size can vary and for an inexpensive product use white posterboard and trim it to the desired size and work on the matte side of the board) Amazon
Watercolor paint set (tube paints are preferrable in 24 count student, you can also use the 16 count Prang)Amazon
Watercolor Sponges Amazon
Table Salt
Turquoise, Magenta, Yellow, Black and White 8 oz. Tempera or Acrylic Paint and any other colors you might want to use on your color combinations project. These are optional. You can use your watercolors for this project. Amazon
Brushes, #8, #6 and #1 Round or Similar Size, ¼ and ½” Flat Brushes, Liner Brush Amazon
50 Count Oil Pastels Amazon
Q tips or Makeup Tips for Blending
10 Count Water Soluble Markers Amazon
Water Containers (2 different sizes that fit into each other), Styrofoam Egg Carton and Plates, Paper Towels or Napkins, Newspaper or Plastic Tablecloths
Printed Handouts (An Art Folder is handy to keep these in. See above.)
*As an Amazon Associate and Dick Blick Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks!